Responsible Dating Habits

Dating is a great way to meet new people and experience new things! Dating apps give you the opportunity to get to know people you may have otherwise never run into in your day-to-day life. Most of the time, the people you meet will be great. But there is always the risk that someone isn’t who they say they are or don’t have the best intentions.

Safety isn’t always a fun topic; we get it. But it’s important to know how to keep yourself safe so that you can focus on the fun part of dating.

Ark is the safest dating app for single Christians! It was designed for value-focused matching and intentional dating. We don’t have answers for every situation, but following these tips will help you to feel more confident, empowered, and worry-free when dating.

Do some research

Just because someone claims to be Christian does not mean that they are automatically a good person. Chatting with someone online can make you feel like you know them, but in reality, they are still a stranger. It’s the responsible thing to look them up before meeting up with them. It might feel a little weird to Google your date, but it could make the difference between a close call and a bad experience with a creep. 

All Ark profiles are verified by requirement, meaning every profile must go through our verification process, proving their identity. This adds an extra layer of security so you can be more confident that they are who they say they are.

Don’t give out private information

If you wouldn’t share it with a stranger over the phone, don’t share it with a stranger on a dating app. Things like credit card numbers, bank account information, mother’s maiden name, apartment number, home address, office address, social security number, etc. should be kept private and confidential.

Meet in a public, neutral location

When meeting someone for the first time (or maybe even the second time), meet them somewhere public where plenty of people are around and where you can easily exit if needed. Suggest a different activity if they suggest something like a remote hike or meeting in an abandoned building. 

It’s also smart to choose somewhere neutral rather than meeting up at your place of work or at their apartment building. Even if it seems harmless, you never know what someone’s intentions may be.

Arrive separately

Remember that although you’ve been chatting and getting to know this person online, they are still technically a stranger. Hopefully, they are a great person offering you a ride out of the kindness of their heart. Until you’ve met them and can determine their intentions for yourself, insist that you meet at the location separately. 

It’s crucial for you to be in control of your transportation so that you can leave if a situation arises where you feel unsafe! If you don’t have a car of your own, ask a friend for a ride, use public transportation, download a rideshare app, or choose a location close enough to safely walk to.

Give your location to someone trusted

Before you leave on your date, let someone know where you will be. Tell them you’ll give them an update after a certain amount of time. Consider showing your friend a photo of your date, sharing your location on your phone with them, and/or coming up with a codeword you can send them if things start to go south and you need help. Don’t forget to charge your phone before you leave - a fully charged phone is the most important safety accessory you can have on a date!

Prepare an exit plan

This isn’t a “wow, they’re really not my type, I’ve gotta get out of here” exit plan. This is an “I feel uncomfortable/unsafe and need to get out now” exit plan. Plan what you would say, how you would leave, and pick a safe location to go to if you can’t immediately go home. Of course, you want to be kind and courteous on dates, but when it comes to your safety, you do not need to ask for permission to leave or wait for an excuse to get out. 

Put yourself and your safety first before worrying about hurting someone’s feelings. If need be, enlist the help of a waiter or worker wherever you’re at. Let them know you are in an uncomfortable or unsafe situation and ask them to help you leave or call the police.

Be alert

While on your date, be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to where you are and what’s going on. Do not purposefully consume anything that might make you drowsy or otherwise inhibited before or during your date. Watch your food and drink closely to make sure nobody tampers with it. If you start feeling a little off at some point during the date, leave early. 

You deserve to be in a situation where you can give your date your full attention while also staying aware of your surroundings. Remember, it’s important to put yourself first when it comes to safety.

Trust your instincts

Meeting someone for the first time can be scary or nerve-wracking, but if you have a bad feeling about someone or situation beyond the first-date jitters, trust that feeling! Even if you’ve already committed to a date, your safety is more important than your commitment. It can be hard to cancel plans but don’t feel bad about potentially offending someone. Anyone worth dating will understand and appreciate that you are prioritizing safety.

Don’t give up

Just because you have a bad date or end up in a scary situation does not mean every situation will be that way. There are good people out there who genuinely want to get to know you and spend time with you, and those people will prioritize your safety as well.

If, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable or unsafe while meeting someone, going on a date, chatting with someone, or otherwise using Ark, please block or report that person in the app. This will prevent them from accessing your profile in the future.

To report someone:

  1. Navigate to your conversation with them

  2. Tap on the three dots icon in the top right corner

  3. Tap "Report"

  4. Select a report reason and write out any additional details

  5. Tap “Submit”

We take each report seriously and are constantly working to weed out anyone who violates our Community Standards. We keep all reports completely anonymous, so a flagged member can never pinpoint a report back to you.

We may not always be able to share the outcome of a report, but know that each one is handled by people who care.

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual assault and are looking for support, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.4673. Help is available. You are not alone.

If you have any questions or need additional information, don’t hesitate to reach out to


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